2's Class

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Snow Day Inside

What a snow day it was yesterday!

We are guessing everyone loves snow days,
and we are inspired because of the snow.

We brought the snow in to our class, literally.

We created art work made of 
salt, glue and water colors.

Akiva and Dalya are making
a pattern with glue.

Then Nissan and Mayer are 
covering it with salt.

Then we drip water colors with pipette .

Chana, Levi and Mendel were so excited to 
see how the colors spread and were 
absorbed into the salt, almost like
a real snow.

The children created an amazing art works.

We even played with real snow...
The children were having fun
 playing with their friends,like they were outside

They tried to make a snowman but
 the snow was too cold, we gave them
 different accessories to play with.

They loved it so much.

At circle time we asked the children
 questions about the snow.
What is the color of the snow?
Chana said:"white".
How does it feel ?
Levi said:"soft".
Is the snow hot or cold?
everyone answered :"cold".

They touched the snow and smiled and laughed a lot.

It was a good opportunity to create our own
 snow jar for the weather family jars.

Our little friends helped to add the materials.

We added snowflakes.

White glitter and water.

We shake it well and here it is our snowy jar

 Now we have a jar for each type of weather:
Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy and snowy.

The children used them in
 morning circle and loved it.

Thank you Akiva for being our
 fruit family this week.

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