2's Class

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Let's Make Circle


Today the children were practicing
painting circles on a large sheet
with acrylic paint.  

The children were surprised that they were able to do it.

We enjoyed playing with friends
with different activities.

Mendel made a snowman.

Sorting colors is our favorite activity in class,
the children enjoy this very much.

Akiva, Dalya, Chana and Levi 
matched the right colors and 
they are amazed they know more colors.
It's getting easier for them. 

We started a new unit: 

We showed the children how the 
animals keep themselves warm,
at winter when it's cold.

Some animals hibernate in caves or dens.

The children built a shelter for the animals.

At circle time we ask the children:
What do hear when you wake 
up in the morning?

Chana said: " A Firetruck".
Dalya said:" An Airplane". 
Levi said: " An Ambulance".
Akiva said: " An Airplane". 
Mendel said: " Mommy". 

Mendel roll the cube and chose a song for
his friends. 

We went for a walk outside to find
animals, we didn't see many until
the children saw....

Cardinal bird.

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