2's Class

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Hibernating Animals

Hibernating in action.

Today we helped the bear hibernate by
 forming different materials to make a bear cave.

For this fun project we used a plastic box, brown paper bag, glue, cotton balls, wood chips and of course a bear.

The children were happy to make the
bear cave cozy and warm. 

 The children had an Art class with Yael, 
we got ready with a smock on everyone.

We held our friends hand and
 walked nicely to the class.

We were listening to Yael's instructions,
 and even answering to questions.

We were working on mixing colors and creating new colors.

Mendel and Devorah mixed acrylics colors.

Akiva, Chana, Levi, Nissan, Mayer and Dalya
 mixed shaving cream with food coloring.
It was fun and so creative.

At circle we kept learning about 
animals hibernation,

We asked the children what kind of animals
 hibernate in the winter ?

They all said:
"A bear". 

We showed the children many more
 animals who hibernate too.
Our white board got full 
of hibernating animal like:
Snails, Turtles, Wood frogs,
 Snakes, Bees, Groundhogs, 
Bats, Hummingbirds, Ladybugs, 

 Our little friends thought it is cute !

This is our creation. The children were 
very creative and if you look carefully inside
 you'll see the bear.

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