2's Class

Monday, January 22, 2018

Who Is Hibernating ?

Who is hibernating?
Why they are hibernating?

Today we tried to answer those questions,
with a little help from the children.


The children started working on different
 projects one of them is a Bear mask.

Mayer and Ido covered paper plates
 using brown paint.
Now it doesn't look like
 a bear but wait and see...

Dalya and Mendel are painting
 a brown bear.

Snapshot from an active play.  

Levi: " I did it".

Nissan put his baby to sleep.

Preparing our snack together is fun 
and strengthens their skills too.

The weather was beautiful today
 and we miss our playground, everyone wanted 
to stay a outside a little bit more.

We asked the children how do we get 
warm in the winter?

The children answered quickly:
Coat, hat, gloves.... 

And we also asked how the animals 
get warm in the cold winter?

The answers this time were very creative like:
A blanket.

Our friend learned that our bear needs
 to hibernate in the cave or den
 for a long winter nap.
The bear doesn't have a coat like 
we do and he can't stay out when 
it's winter time.

We read story: "The bear snores on".

The children  also learned a new song,
(Are you sleeping.)

Bear is sleeping
Bear is sleeping,
In the cave
In the cave,
I wonder when he'll come out
I wonder when he'll come out,
In the spring
In the spring.

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