2's Class

Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy Monday

Happy Monday!!!

Monday's are so relaxing for 
the children and we get
back to our daily routine slowly.  

 Earlier Devorah drew a beautiful drawing 
 and Nissan added straight lines . 

The children are working on a project
for one of their friends.

For this unique weather, we made
 a new special playdough.

The children had turns
 by adding the ingredients. 

We created a snowy sparkly playdough,
right one to make a snowman.

 Let's create a snowman....

Our morning routine
Everybody sleeping.....

Mayer checked the weather today.

Playing with friends.

The children saw a box, 
they were very curious to know...  

Mystery box , Mystery box, 
What do we have inside our Mystery box?

So curious they couldn't wait,
and tried to open it.

We sang a new song:

You put your right mitten in,
You put your right mitten out,
You put your right mitten in,
And you shake it all about.

You do the snowey pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

and we tried more items like:
Boots, Scarf, hat....


We discovered different accessories for winter time.

Hat, Scarf, Mittens, Boots....

Our friends thanked Mayer's family for
 being the fruit family this week.

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