2's Class

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Who's The Birthday Boy

Today we had a surprise waiting 
for our friends in class.
We had to keep it a secret until it
would be the right time.

Our morning started by sorting colors on a mat.

Akiva chose the blue mat and 
focused on finding the blue top.

Dalya, Ido and Devorah were being 
careful to pick just yellow and 
orange tops.

 Nissan was excited and
sorted all the colors on each mat. 

Nissan saw an orange top that Ido needed 
and handed it to him.
Good job.

The children got ready for our surprise...
They painted a small present for 
one of our friends.


Ido is the the birthday boy today.
He is turning 2.

We were happy to meet Ido's family.

Everyone was so excited to have a birthday party.
We invited Ido to sit on the special chair and
wear his crown. He was happy to tell his friends
all about him and his family in the pictures
when he was little.

The children gave him a gift.

We sang a birthday song and Ido's daddy told
us what Ido liked to do when he was little.
We danced and had a great celebration.

At the end we ate cupcakes.
The children couldn't get enough!


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