2's Class

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tu B'shvat Sameach

The children were so happy to know
Tu B'shvat is here.

We were inspired from the
trees outside and created our own 
Almond tree, "Shkediyah".

We used our hand print to create the
branches and tissue paper for the pink flowers.

Here are our trees.

We had a nice party for the trees.
The children offered to bring a cake to celebrate.

We sang Tu B'shvat songs and talked about the 7 spices
and tasted some.
The children thought the fruits were very sweet.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Tu B'shvat Is Here!

Today we started celebrating Tu B'shvat.
Birthday of the trees.

We started our day by painting
 the first symbol of this holiday,
the Almond tree.

Right after the children made
 a new green slime which is not to sticky .

"Look at this", "Look at this"....

Everyone said, the children
 were so excited to play with slime.

This green slim represents the
 soil and the trees that essential
 for our existence. 

We started with the question:
"Why we celebrate a birthday for the trees"?

The children thought and came
 up with the idea: "They are cold".

We explained to the children why and
 counted all the things we are using that
come from the trees like:

Fruit and furniture.

We are so grateful .


The children thanked Ido's family
 for being the fruit family this week.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Having Shabbat With Bear

Shabbat celebration with
 friends and family... wow!

It is so much fun having the children's 
families celebrating shabbat with us.

We thank the families who came and they get to know everyone.

Mayer and Ima.                                          Devorah and Ima.

Ido with Aba, Ima and his brother Tomer.       Chana with Ima and her brother Mendael.


Dalya with Ima and her sister Chayala.                  Mendel and Ima.                   

Nissan held Devorah hand, 
while we sang Shabbat songs.

When Mayer met Ella again... this time they are 
Ima and Aba of Shabbat. 
How cute is that?!  

Akiva enjoyed the grape juice. 

Decorating our Challa bag.

Nissan and Mayer challenged them 
selves and walk around on the stamps. 

Shaping the dough into a Challah.

Devorah was Ima of Shabbat
 and blessed on the candles. 

Ido blessed wine.

Akiva did " Hmotze...".

Then we cut the bread and gave 
a piece to Mendel and all his friends.

Chana invited the bear to have Shabbat with us,
the bear went with the children
 everywhere they went.

The bear even got a mitzvah note for them...
Look behind the footprint.

Have a great Shabbat with bear.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Who's Afraid Of The Big Bear?

The children liked our unit on 
hibernation with animals,
 especially learning about the bear. 

The children enjoyed creating
their own bear cave.

Ido and Dalya are siting on the
 Morah chair  starting morning circle.

Glimpse of our morning circle:
"Little Torah, Little Torah 
let me hold you tight....".

The cave.

Mayer hibernating like a bear...Shhhhh.

Then everyone came to play
 inside the cave.

Chana, Levi and Akiva were drawing a bear.
They really liked the bear.

Fun time with friends.

Devorah's car stopped moving, she is fixing it.

When Mayer meets Ella...

Akiva invited Dalya to play with " Bally".

Levi built a big tower,
 he can hardly get to the top. 

The children were happy to see the final project.