2's Class

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

All About Me

Today we started learning a new unit:
"All About Me".

In this unit the children will discover
 things about themselves. 

We began with our face, and what parts
 are on our face. 

We had a puppet face.

We set the table with glue, plates, wool and paper squares.

Riva added one eye.

Mendel added the hair.

Zalman added an eye.

At the end the children created cute faces.

We found a Lego family on the shelf.

Mendal and Zalman said:
"Tatty, Zeidy".

Rafi and Zalman helped to push the slides to a sunny area.

Mendel spotted a ball and a leaf in the play ground.

Rafi helped Ido to put more mulch in the truck.

Riva and Rafi played together and opened all house doors .

At circle time we looked in the mirror and asked:
What do you see?"

 They all said:" Me".

Rafi pointed his nose.

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