2's Class

Friday, October 19, 2018

Shabbat Fun

 Shabbat Shalom everyone!

The children decorated their Challah bag.

Zalman brought a flower today and gave it to Riva.

What is cooking in the kitchen ?

We were so busy making the Shabbat table ready.

We baked Challah.

Rafi and Riva showed "one", at snack time.

Mendel found one too.

Rafi and Riva shared the puzzles parts.

The children danced to the Shabbat song:
" Hine Ma Tov".

The Shabbat train is ready to roll...

At Shabbat party...

Riva asked Zalman:
"What do you want to buy for Shabbat?"
Zalman tried to give her an answer, using sounds and hand gestures. 
"Challah?" she asked.
Zalman nodded in agreement.

Rafi and Zalman set the table:

Rafi placed a candle. 

Riva lit the Shabbat candles.

Blessed them.


Mendel blessed the wine.

Zalman blessed over the bread and really tried 
to remember all the blessing.

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