2's Class

Monday, October 8, 2018

Fall Is Here

Fall is here!

We started our day with an invitation to play to 
create a fall tree.

Zalman and Riva created a forest.

Riva helped Mendel and Zalman add more branches.
Mendel said:" Like this".

Riva and Zalman collected pine cones.

We painted Fall with green and orange, in our unique way.

Zalman and Mendel were curious about what Riva was doing.

Mendel used 2 brushes.

Playing together creating big towers. 

The children learned about Fall.
We used scarves as leaves, and we also matched the fall colors:
Red, green and yellow.

We asked the children to point on fall colors.
Mendel pointed on Yellow.

Thank you Zalman for being our fruit family this week.

We enjoyed the bananas today, it was tasty.

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