2's Class

Monday, October 15, 2018

Orange Pumpkin

Happy Monday!

Fall is here and we noticed the weather is changing.

Today the children worked on their fine motor skills.

We used glue, orange circles and pumpkin pictures.

We invited our little friends to paint in orange.
"Lets paint a pumpkin".

Mendel added some pumpkins to his play dough.

Rafi was picking a pumpkin the with his scissors.

At cleaning time the children helped
 put the play dough back in the bag....

And on the shelf.

Our little friends were interested in creating
 a trail for their cars and animals.

Zalman hid animals inside the brick.


The children are learning to put their plates and cups away after snack.
We are so proud of them for helping out.

We noticed that all our friends brought a coat or jacket to school .

Mendel and Zalman can't speak much but were communicating about their new jackets.

We had a fun time rolling the ball to a friend. 
|Learning how to communicate with one another.

Riva brought fruit today and every one came
 to see what she had inside the bags.

Thank you Riva for being our fruit family this week.

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