2's Class

Monday, October 29, 2018

Fabulous Monday

The children were happy to meet their friends today.

They missed their toys and games too.

Riva found a firefighter hat, she helped the baby and fed him.

Zalman noticed a new foam on the table and little images too.

Mendel stuck the images inside the foam.

Rafi and Zalman shared the forks in an imaginary play.

Then Mendel made breakfast.

Mandel liked to draw and said:
" A face".

Lets paint...

Zalman and Rafi built a ramp for their cars all by them selves.

Mandel came along and added the animals.

Riva read a story on the Morah's chair.

We learned how to eat sliced orange. 

Zalman used his finger to help us sing:
"Who didn't come to school today".

Everybody's sleeping, they're sleeping....

Rafi used his finger and said:
"Baruch Shem Kevod Malchoto Leolam Vaed".

Mendel used his hand and said:" Up there.

Thank you Rafi for being the fruit family this week.

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