2's Class

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Cute Faces And Silhouette.

Today we focused on our faces.
We talked about the variety of "things" on our faces called body parts.

We learned about our eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

We set the table with play dough, googly eyes and wood.

We created the imprint of our facial features.

The children enjoyed adding the parts.


In our sensory table we created a new invitation to play :  "It's an house".

Riva put the kids to sleep.

Mendel put a bottle of jam inside.

Outside, Riva invited everyone to come into her house.

It was too crowded... we had to go out.

The children had a wonderful time playing with friends.

At circle we matched the face parts on the play dough.
Rafi added the eyes.

Riva added a nose.

Mendel added a mouth.

Zalman added the hair.

Than everyone  helped.

We took Riva's silhouette. 

The children were excited to see what came out of our drawing.

Today we hang it on the wall  for the children to see.

Rafi said: "Riva".

Riva showed her friends 2 eyes.

We noticed Riva's silhouette was missing the eyes,
 so she tried to add an eye.

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