2's Class

Friday, April 27, 2018

Shabbat Is Coming

Shabbat is coming and were so happy!

Shabbat celebration with all our 
friends in school it's fun and joy.

We got the honor to be
 Aba of Shabbat.

Levi was so excited to be Aba of Shabbat.

We had guests too...

Ido's mother and Tomer his brother.

Mayer's Anna.

Devorah's mother and Chana's mother.

Dalya and Akiva enjoyed the grape juice.

Being creative... making flowers.

Chana and Ido trying to use the pipe cleaner.

Then our little friends worked together 

Yay .... A beautiful flower.

The children noticed...

The children were excited for 
the new books collection we 
have in class . .

Shabbat is on the way and we got ready

We decorated our Challah bag , baked Challah.
The children can roll the dough
 to a big snake and even match the
 length between friends.

Our favorite activity Shabbat train.

Devorah was Ima of Shabbat.

Then greeted her friends and say:
"Shabbat Shalom Mendel."

" Shabbat Shalom Mayer".

Mayer was Aba of Shabbat,
Nissan blessed the bread.

We are so proud of the children for making 
Shabbat celebration beautiful and different 
every week.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Counting Book

Today we practiced counting numbers.

We got inspired from the Caterpillar book,
we create our counting book.

We set the table with a small book,
 glue and food from the book.

We read the story and each page
 the children needed to glue the 
right type of food and same number.

Dalya and Chana glued 3 plums.

Devorah searched for 2 plums.

Nissan found the 3 plums.

Akiva and Mayer glued 2 pears.

And Ido and Levi started with one apple.

In morning circle the children choose 
books they liked and we decided to follow 
and asked them why did they like that book?

Chana said: : because there is a lion".
Nissan said : "because there is a horse".

Mayer said : "because he acts".
Akiva said : Because there is orange basketball".

Beautiful moments with friends....

Going somewhere....

Make more room for me...

Chana is putting Ido to sleep.... well done Chana!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Snapshots From Our Day

We love to play with our friends.

Yesterday the children were
 practicing their motor skills.

We stood on the stamp and used mirrors to 
describe what we are seeing. 
Without noticing the children
 were balancing themselves.

Today we stamped flowers with carton roll,
we created a Dandelion.  

Mayer and Akiva putting the train on the track.
They said:" We are going somewhere".

Dalya and Nissan were preparing Shabbat dinner.

Chana and Mayer planting trees next to the train path.

Devorah and Levi were chatting on the pie they made.

Ido and Dalya were happily dancing to the Hoke Pokey song.

Mendel and friends were shaking and 
dancing to the Alef Bet song.

The children know the first Hebrew letter of their name.

Today the children were very helpful organizing the beds. 

It was a team effort :
Yashar Koach!

They were working together shouting: 
Ready....., set........, go.....

Devorah was directing them where to put her bed.
"Over there!"

 They were instructed by Akiva to put the bed down"
Akiva: " Drop it!"

Thank you Akiva for being
 our fruit family this week.
The watermelon is very sweet
 we enjoyed very much.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Counting With Caterpillar

Today the children were practicing 
counting numbers.

We counted the circles on the caterpillar
 and used stickers.

The children liked the story of:
"The hungry caterpillar"

Early this week we painted a leaf,
and today we printed a colorful 

We used balloons to make his body.

The children were careful not to
blow up the balloon.

Mayer wanted to print more.

So as Devorah and Mendel.

A moment of Sharing...

Nissan and Akiva made their own birthday party.

Mayer built a Dinosaur.

Nissan build " The Bait Hamikdash".

Today we made the story alive, and
the children were using pictures and put 
them on the mat in the right order as in 
the story.

Give the caterpillar  more food.

Being as a cocoon.

waving like a butterfly's.

Today we had visitors from the next door class,
singing to us so nicely.

Ido and Nissan organized the chairs as:
Nissan said:" Davening chairs".

And everyone davaned.