2's Class

Friday, March 29, 2019

How Many Raisins Are On My Challah?

We had a beautiful Spring week.

Today we decorated Challah with 
raisins, and practiced counting them.

we used stickers as raisins.

Rafi and Riva peeled enough to cover their Challah.

Zalman and Rafi took just few .

Just right before we have Shabbat party,
we love to go aboard on  Shabbat train that is 
moving in our class.

The children noticed the wonderful weather, 
Riva said: " I didn't bring coat ".

Rafi and Zalman were playing : Peek -a-boo.

Drawing outside ... what a fun.

Shabbat party was special.
 The children checked what do we need
 for Shabbat, together:

We asked:
Did we clean the house? they said: "yes".
Did we bake Challa? they said "No",
 so we went to the shop to buy Challah.
 Did we set the table ? they said "No".
Then we set the table with :
Candles, Tzedakah box, wine and kidush cup.

Mendel said" Challah cover" and sang :" Shalom Alichem".
Rafi added the Challah and said:" Here kidush cup".

They all wanted yo lit the candles.

Zalman put a coin in Tzedakah box.

We blessed 
the candles.

We sang Shabbat songs with all our body and soul :)

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