2's Class

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What A Purim Story

What an amazing day!!!

Today we did 2 Purim Mitzvot.

First we set the table for a bid Mishte, feast.

Mendel and Rafi make sure we had every thing on the table:
Plates, fruit and drinks.

We built a palace for Queen Esther . 

We wanted Queen Esther to help us.

Rafi didn't forget to call his dad.

The second Mitzvah is Mishloach Manot to our friends. 
Yesterday we baked Hamamteschen and made masks of 
Mordachai and Esther to put into our Misloach Manot.

We wrapped every thing nicely:

Then we heard  knock on our door?
We had guests , the 4`s class.

Riva opened the door and to our guests
 they brought Mishloach Manot to us.

We were so happy so to having them so  we  decided to invite them to dance some Purim songs with us.

What A Fun Day.... But Wait,  There Is More thing  to Come.....

We ate the Hamantaschen ...they were so tasty.

 Our class gave Mishaloach Manot to the 3`s class.

 They got so excited  when they saw us coming over.

We also read Purim story for  the little ones.

The children made a wonderful
 projects for Purim to take home.

 Purim Samiach.

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