2's Class

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Building Pyramids

We used shaved cream and paint to  have fun while using our creativity to make a cover for our Haggadah.

Riva drizzled paint on the shaving cream.

Rafi mixed the colors we drizzled.

Mendel flipped the Haggadah on the paint 
to print the pattern.

We also created other pictures through the print making method.

We used roller to spread the paint on the templet. 

 More fun activities from our day...

Rafi shouted, " Hi everyone!"

Riva and Rafi were taking turns on the slide,
Rafi ask Riva to hold his bottle of water.

Than Riva gave Rafi his bottle back but Rafi
 had so much fun he didn't want it back
 so Riva chased him on the play ground.

Meeting friends outside.

Riva and Rafi picking flowers.

we continued the Pesach story and we have
 the children " working hard building the Pyramids".

We sang new song:

Frog on " Pharoah" nose.

We pretend to be frogs and jumped all around.

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