2's Class

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

What Is Blue?

Today the children had an invitation to create
with loose ends.
We used play dough, shells and foil paper.

Riva made a big Hamantaschen .
 Mendel and Zalman warped the shells with foil paper.


Zalman liked the sound it makes.

Riva built an oven to bake her dough.

Zalman and Rafi helped to built a bigger and higher oven...

until it collapsed :(
Rafi said: " I'm build for Riva."
Then Rafi built a small model for Riva 
and was very proud of it.

Zalman found a small Doll and said:" Momma."

Mendel balanced himself.

The weather is getting warmer we had a nice time playing outside.

We keep learning colors and shapes.

We were looking in the mirror to see our eye color.

During our conversation we noticed we had
 matching characters for Rafi and Mendel.

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