2's Class

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Making Masks

Today the children learned that on Purim 
we get dressed up in costumes.

We made a mask so we can hide ourselves. 

We used paper plates, glue, stickers 
and tissue paper.

Rafi loved peeling the stickers.

Zalman helped put it away to dry.

Mendel is hiding behind a magnatile.

Mendel and Rafi having a discussion :

 Rafi:" Look, I make."
Mendel: " Its so tall."
Rafi: " Don't break it."
Mendel: "OK."
Rafi: " Want to see?"

They were peeking inside the tower and said:

Mendel: "No one."

Today we also learned... What does Mordechai
the Jew look like and what is the difference
 between king Achashverosh.

Riva showed us that Mordechai has
 a Kippah on his head and not a crown.

We danced to Purim songs and
 "making" Hammantuchen. 

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