2's Class

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Mitzvat Mishloach Manot

The children learned about mitzvat Purim
 Mishloach Manot for friends. 

We were making our on Misloach Manot
to give away.

We started  making masks of 
Mordechai the Jew and Queen Esther. 

We used plastic board with different pattern. 
Zalman painted with pink paint.

Rafi choose green paint on his waved board.

Then we lay down the mask on the board. 

Riva turned it over and saw the pattern .

We did it as many time the children felt to do it.

We also baked Hamantaschen to 
add into the Mishloach Manot.

We felt like Purim is a fun holiday
 we made our Hamantaschen dough 
with sprinkles.

Mendel add it to the dough.

We rolled the dough to a shape of a ball, and...

Flattened it , filled it with chocolate...Yum.

The children were so excited to learn 
about Purim characters, they used
 their blanket as a Talit for Mordechai the Jew.

Riva wore hers as Queen Esther gown.
Riva said: " I'm Queen Esther and you are Mordechai."

 Zalman felt to wear his on his head.

We were so surprised to see what the 
children can do with a bit of  imagination.

We danced  Purim Songs.

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