2's Class

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

All About Me

Today we started learning a new unit:
"All About Me".

In this unit the children will discover
 things about themselves. 

We began with our face, and what parts
 are on our face. 

We had a puppet face.

We set the table with glue, plates, wool and paper squares.

Riva added one eye.

Mendel added the hair.

Zalman added an eye.

At the end the children created cute faces.

We found a Lego family on the shelf.

Mendal and Zalman said:
"Tatty, Zeidy".

Rafi and Zalman helped to push the slides to a sunny area.

Mendel spotted a ball and a leaf in the play ground.

Rafi helped Ido to put more mulch in the truck.

Riva and Rafi played together and opened all house doors .

At circle time we looked in the mirror and asked:
What do you see?"

 They all said:" Me".

Rafi pointed his nose.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Fabulous Monday

The children were happy to meet their friends today.

They missed their toys and games too.

Riva found a firefighter hat, she helped the baby and fed him.

Zalman noticed a new foam on the table and little images too.

Mendel stuck the images inside the foam.

Rafi and Zalman shared the forks in an imaginary play.

Then Mendel made breakfast.

Mandel liked to draw and said:
" A face".

Lets paint...

Zalman and Rafi built a ramp for their cars all by them selves.

Mandel came along and added the animals.

Riva read a story on the Morah's chair.

We learned how to eat sliced orange. 

Zalman used his finger to help us sing:
"Who didn't come to school today".

Everybody's sleeping, they're sleeping....

Rafi used his finger and said:
"Baruch Shem Kevod Malchoto Leolam Vaed".

Mendel used his hand and said:" Up there.

Thank you Rafi for being the fruit family this week.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Shabbat Celebration

 Shabbat is in the air and the children felt it.
We had Shabbat party with friends in school.

Zalman, Mendel and Rafi waited to put their vegetables into the soup.

They were happy to help.

Today Rafi moved the chairs into one area,
and decided to reorganize our classroom.

We decorated our Challah bag in honor of Shabbat.

Challah time... fun time.

Riva put her dough on the pumpkin and said:
" Pumpkin Challah".

Then we all took the tray to the oven.

Shabbat party in class.

Riva was Ima for Shabbat.

We blessed the candles.

We sang "Shalom Aliychem" ,
Rafi ans Zalman shook hands saying Shabbat Shalom.

Rafi blessed over the wine.

Zalman was Aba for Shabbat.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Threading With Pumpkin

Yesterday the children were excited to have a new activity.

 We practiced threading a pumpkin.

Mendel pulled the needle and said:

Rafi searched for the hole.

Riva tried too and the wool thread slipped away.

Mendel and Rafi were very happy with their success.

Riva and Rafi were creative and made necklaces :)

5 little pumpkin on our board.

The children were so excited to see the
different pumpkins from our song on the board.

Mendel and Riva had a discussion :

"It's Challah" said Mendel, Riva insisted: "It's a pumpkin".

Then she brought a real pumpkin to show her friend.
Then she took the pumpkin wherever she went.

More from our day...

We are being social.
Everyone brought something to show...
 Riva had a pumpkin,
Mendel, Rafi and Zalman had a plastic cup, 
they enjoyed making sounds with it.  

Riva noticed her picture on the plate was missing:
"Where is Riva...no picture?" pointing to her picture on the cup.

Outside we felt the wind on our faces.

We sang 5 little pumpkin and added a new pumpkin each tim 

Thank you Mendel for being our fruit family this week.