2's Class

Monday, May 14, 2018

What Happened On Shavuot ?

Shavuot is almost here, and 
the children are getting from one
 excitement to the next. 

The children started learning 
\all about Shavuot on our new unit.

Happy to meet our friends ... happy Monday.

The children were drawing on the sand
 with their finger trying to write letters. 

We also started our Shavuot project.

Stamping our own first Hebrew letter.

Welcome back Mayer :)

Dalya and Devorah loved the
 selections of books in class.

Ido and Dalya wondering who will go down first.

At morning circle we asked the children:
What do you love or like that H'ashem created?

Levi said: "The cat."
Nissan said: "The Shema, davening."
Dalya said:" Princess." 
Devorah said:"Rain."
Mendel said:"Aba."
Mayer said: " The tiger."
Ido said: "Challa."

Outside fun time.

"Making soup."

" Cleaning."

Inviting friends into our house.

At circle time we started learning about Shavuot and the Torah.
We used holiday concepts like:
Mount Sinai, the ten commandments....

The children learned that in 
our Torah there is many mitzvot ,
like say :" Shema."

Thank you Ido for being our 
fruit family this week.

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