2's Class

Friday, May 11, 2018

It's Mother's Day

The children were so exciting to 
celebrate Mother's Day, we got 
ready for this day.....
Finally it was here and we were so happy. 

We made everything set for you... Mommy.

First we decorated an apron with Ima.

We are admiring the mommy's,
they were all in creativity mode. 

Akiva and mommy.

Chana and Ima with Mendel.

Ido and mommy.

Nissan and mommy.

Mendel and mommy with his sister.

Devorah and Ima.

We loved your aprons they are beautiful. 

Challah with Ima.
It's time to bake challah for Shabbat.

This challah will be special...you made it we love. 

Mayer's mommy with Ella.
They are making challah for him, he is sick :(

We brushed the Challah with egg.

A group photo... smile.

The children made a surprise for their mommy,
we get ready to preform.

The children preformed a Mother's Day Song,
and gave them a muffin which we baked yesterday.

Then we gave them a card full of surprises.

Everyone was so surprised, 

Even the children.

Nissan's mommy read a special story for us:

" A Kiss Like This".

Then everyone gave a big kiss to mommy.

We are so proud of the children!

Levi and Ido in the mode of Mother's Day....

Shabbat party with friends.

Thank you all mommy for coming today,
thank you for all you do ....


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