2's Class

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Saying Goodbye To Shavuot

We were happy to welcome the children
 after a long holiday of Shavuot.

We started our day by making a new
 play dough, we made it blue.

Ido helped to add the ingredients.

When the dough was ready the 
children were excited to play and share.

Ido showed Akiva Mount Sinai.

Mayer made a car.

Chana added her family and 
pointed at her sister Riva.

Mayer was happy to find a new Mr. potato man.

Mendel painted dots.

The children were also practicing in threading.

Mendel, Ido and Mayer were putting the Lego man to sleep.


We kept counting too.

 We had to say goodbye to Shavuot holiday.

We loved this holiday, the children were 
sharing their experience:

Chana: " Danced with my Torah, I made food- carrot."
Akiva: " I played basketball, and hear the Torah in Shul."
Ido: " I eat ice cream."
Mayer: "Stayed at home."
Devorah: " Hold my Torah."

The children helped to put away 
all symbols of the holiday.

We waved and said:
" See you next year, until we meet again."

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