2's Class

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Snapshot From Our Day

The flowers began to peep out,
and we inspired by the colors.

We used coffee filters and stickers to
 create flowers.  

Levi like to peel the stickers and put 
one next to the other like a mosaic.

Dalya filled hers in gaps.

Mendel was excited by the deep colors on the stickers.

Then Nissan came with the idea to
 put them one on top the other...

Chana remembered we had working on a mosaic. 

Mayer and Akiva were busy playing with play dough:

Mayer: " I'm going to make a big fire truck."
Akiva:" I'm making a cake like a ball."

Akiva also had a hair cut  since he turned 3,
 and look at this we have got a new boy in class.

The children enjoyed reading the book:
"From Head To Toe".

They were doing the movement as in the story.

A moment to hold.

Sensory table experience.

The wheel on the bus.....

Getting ready for nap time got easier,
 since the children feel they want to
 help set the beds.  

Almost there...

They were so happy they made it:
" We did it, yeahhhh."

We so proud of you little one's.

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