2's Class

Friday, May 25, 2018

Shabbat Fun

Shabbat in class is a very special
 day for the children.

We like Shabbat because it's unique 
and we all do things together like:
Making Challah, sing Shabbat songs
and sit at the Shabbat table.

We also play together.

Ido pours the wine into the kiddush cup... 

And made a big tower .

Dalya lit the candles for Shabbat.

Nissan, Dalya and Ido doing Hmotzi:
Ido : " I'm going to cut the Challah".
Nissan: " Just small piece".

Then Nissan cut the rest of the Challah.

Akiva had a turn too.

Akiva and Mayer put the shabbat puzzle together.

We decorated our Challah bags as usual.

Some children used 2 dot marker... new technique:)

Mayer helped decorate our present 
for the birthday boy.... shhhh.

Our little friends were so imaginative today:

We made Challah and rolled the dough together.

Mendel found his Hebrew letter on the
 board...  We tried to find it in the Torah too.

Our Shabbat singing together:
" Hene Mah Tov Umanayim"

Shabbat train.

Dalya lit the candles.

Then shakes everyone's hand saying:
"Shabbat Shalom".

 Akiva did the blessing for the bread.


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