2's Class

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hebrew Letters In The Torah

Shavuot is all about the Torah.
The children learned of the 
Tablets of  Covenant.

We are working on tracing a line 
and follow with our finger.

 Levi likes to cover the shape and uncover it.

Chana traced the line under the blue sand.
" Lochot Hbrit".

Mendel and Dalya found something common:
"We did it ... beans".

Devorah traced the line with beans.

Chana keep the beans closer.

Ido likes to put the beans inside.

The children being very busy playing with friends.

Akiva made a train.

Mayer thought it is nice to practiced colors... well done Mayer.

Then Mayer built a trail with bricks
 and everyone tried walk on it. 

The children loved it and took turns so nicely.

Today we also had a lesson with Yael in our Art studio.

Today we learned how to print with leaves.

One leaf stayed on Dalya's hand :
" A butterfly...".

Learning about Shavuot is exciting.

We know Hashem gave us the Torah on Mount Sinai,
it is a present for us.
We asked the children:
" What is inside the Torah?

The children answered : " Hebrew letters", "Mitzvot".

The children knows their first Hebrew letter.

Then they matched their own letter to the letters on the mat.

It was amazing to see the children 
really familiar Hebrew letters.

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