2's Class

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Akiva Is The Birthday Boy

We were happy to see the children 
choosing different activities this

Mayer and Dalya started cutting 
and practiced their scissors holding. 

Akiva was cutting squers.

Then Mayer was looking for the Lego man,
he missed them and he asked them:
" how are you?"

Akiva tried to fix the  doctor statocscoup. 

Devorah, Dalya and Ido were dressing up for the party.

Mendel sing along the clean up song,
 and helped put away the play dough.

We had circle with a new friend : Zalman.
Levi mention he has a brother named Zalman.

Today we celebrated Akiva's 3 birthday.

Akiva and friends are looking at Akiva's baby pictures.

Chana gave him a crown.

We asked Akiva many questions about himself.

Nissan gave him an album we made for him.

Akiva loved the picture of him. 

Devorah had one more present for Akiva...

It's an plane.

We danced and sang special birthday songs.

We dint forget to left Akiva on a chair 3 times.

A birthday without a cake?
Here is the cupcakes.

Akiva's mommy was happy to read us a story.

Wonderful kiss.

Chana is ore family fruit this week,
thank you Chana for all the great fruit 
you have brought.

Snapshot From Our Day

The flowers began to peep out,
and we inspired by the colors.

We used coffee filters and stickers to
 create flowers.  

Levi like to peel the stickers and put 
one next to the other like a mosaic.

Dalya filled hers in gaps.

Mendel was excited by the deep colors on the stickers.

Then Nissan came with the idea to
 put them one on top the other...

Chana remembered we had working on a mosaic. 

Mayer and Akiva were busy playing with play dough:

Mayer: " I'm going to make a big fire truck."
Akiva:" I'm making a cake like a ball."

Akiva also had a hair cut  since he turned 3,
 and look at this we have got a new boy in class.

The children enjoyed reading the book:
"From Head To Toe".

They were doing the movement as in the story.

A moment to hold.

Sensory table experience.

The wheel on the bus.....

Getting ready for nap time got easier,
 since the children feel they want to
 help set the beds.  

Almost there...

They were so happy they made it:
" We did it, yeahhhh."

We so proud of you little one's.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Shabbat Fun

Shabbat in class is a very special
 day for the children.

We like Shabbat because it's unique 
and we all do things together like:
Making Challah, sing Shabbat songs
and sit at the Shabbat table.

We also play together.

Ido pours the wine into the kiddush cup... 

And made a big tower .

Dalya lit the candles for Shabbat.

Nissan, Dalya and Ido doing Hmotzi:
Ido : " I'm going to cut the Challah".
Nissan: " Just small piece".

Then Nissan cut the rest of the Challah.

Akiva had a turn too.

Akiva and Mayer put the shabbat puzzle together.

We decorated our Challah bags as usual.

Some children used 2 dot marker... new technique:)

Mayer helped decorate our present 
for the birthday boy.... shhhh.

Our little friends were so imaginative today:

We made Challah and rolled the dough together.

Mendel found his Hebrew letter on the
 board...  We tried to find it in the Torah too.

Our Shabbat singing together:
" Hene Mah Tov Umanayim"

Shabbat train.

Dalya lit the candles.

Then shakes everyone's hand saying:
"Shabbat Shalom".

 Akiva did the blessing for the bread.