2's Class

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Building sukkahs

Yesterday we learned all about building sukkahs and the harvest time. 
The children were very creative and used 
different media in building sukkahs. 
We learned a new song "This is what we need to build a Sukkah." 
Through the song we discovered the sukkah is 
built with wood and hammers and nails.

Levi and Akiva were harvesting fruits 
and vegetables for Sukkot.

The children experienced a new kind of playdough made of 
cornstarch and hair conditioner. It was smooth and smelled good. 
The children enjoyed forming balls and creating a sukkah.

Dalya enjoyed playing with the ball-shaped dough.

At circle time the children were 
excited to build a lego sukkah.

Akiva created a sukkah with magnatiles.

The children were surprised to see their own picture 
and loved hearing the notes from their parents.

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