2's Class

Monday, October 16, 2017

Say goodbye to chag Sukkot and Simchat Torah

We went looking for a Sukkah.
The children were spying a sukkah here and there.

The kids spy new things in our playground ,

Levi and Chana found a mushroom. 
How it get here? They used their hands to 
measure the size of the mushroom without touching it.

Akiva, Dalya and Nissan spied a hoop,
They take turns so nicely tossing the ball into the hoop.
Good job! 

Today we talked about the holidays , how we enjoyed
dancing with our flag on Simchat Torah.
Everyone was dancing!

  We asked the kids if today is 
Simchat Torah?

We realized that the next time we going to build a sukkah
would be NEXT YEAR! 

And we said goodbye to our sukkah, schach, lulav and etrog
until next time.

The kids missed their class and spy for new toys.

 Chana spied a new veil and she tried it on.

Happy to be back.

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