2's Class

Thursday, September 28, 2017

All about Yom Kippur

Yesterday the children made a wonderful art work
for you parents to have on Orientation night.   

We use white paint this week to symbolize
a fresh new start like white color is for the new year.

At the playground we had a surprise.
We saw a play about Yom Kippur
" Jonah and the Whale."
We enjoy being with our friends in school to hear the story.
The children were facinated and really enjoyed 
the felt board story preformed by Morah Sarah  

Today on the note of Yom Kippur,
we baked a honey cake.
Everyone had a chance to help.

Levi added the egg
Dalya poured the honey
Akiva added the flour
Mayer added the water
Chana added the egg 


Nissan poured the batter into his pan.

We also wrapped the cakes with the wrapping paper we made!
We wish you G'mar chatimah tovah.

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