2's Class

Friday, October 20, 2017

Celebrating shabbat with friends

Early this morning we came to the class with a 
happy feeling because shabbat is here.


Levi and Nissan are setting the table for shabbat,
while Nissan sang shabbat songs:
Pinai shabbat nkabbalah...and said the brachot.

Mayer brought a bag full with leaves and shared with Nissan and all 
our class, and we presented them on a nice tray.

We set the mood with dancing, such fun.

It's time for challah!

Everyone was helping to roll the dough
so gently.

We shaped it... and shaped it.

We mustn't forget to decorate the bag we are going to put 
our challah in.
They all did wonderful work. 

We brought the shabbat in and lit the shabbat candles.

We were so happy so we held hands and sang "shalom aleichem." 

Mayer is sitting in the morah chair reading a book. 

After welcoming shabbat we relaxed and read.

Shabbat Shalom to everyone!

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