2's Class

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Creating colors

2's Class · Post

Today we continued to learn about primary colors
through fine motor skills.
The kids were sorting colors using tweezers.

Nissan is sorting pom poms to 
match the color marked on the tray. 

Levi, Chana and Nissan are threading beads by color.

Dalya is sorting one by one.

Today we had an art class with Morah Yael.
Yael taught us 3 colors:
We sorted mixed pictures and objects to the right color.
The kids did a wonderfully identifying the colors.

Later, Yael showed us 2 different colors, Each one of us 
got different colors to blend.
The children experienced mixing colors and creating new colors.

 Work in action.

Today we also created our cloudy weather bottle.
We noticed it was a cloudy day and it was 
the perfect day to make our own cloudy weather.

Everyone had a chance to put a cloud into the bottle.
We have white and grey clouds. 

These bottles can help the children 
decide if the weather today is cloudy or sunny.

We had a very colorful day!

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