2's Class

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Dancing with Torahs

Today the children experienced a new technique for painting. 
We are doing a different project for 
S'imchat Torah.

Mayer is mixing red food coloring. 

Levi is mixing the yellow food coloring.

We always appreciate our good helpers!

Akiva was very brave and he puts the card on the 
shaving cream the children colored.

Mayer and Levi enjoying dropping the colors.

Binyamin was visiting us with Lulav and Etrog.
Akiva wanted to hold it and say the Brachah.
Of course, we all like to shake it.

We are reading the Torah for Simchat Torah. We opened the Torah we love so much. 
We closed it and then we demonstrated to the 
children by reading a story we love, 
we want to read it over again just like we do on Simchat Torah.

Dancing with the Torah.

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