2's Class

Monday, September 18, 2017

Apple experiment

A different way to make an apple .
 Our centers were set up with balls of yarn,
Green and red.
The Yeladim wrapped the yarn on a piece of cardboard.

Akiva:" rolling" 

Nissan :" I'm making" 

We make a sail boat out of apples.
Our sail boat sailed on the water.

Levi counted the boats: " 1,2,3,4,5"

We painted the palm of our hand so it became 
an apple stamp . 

We explored the apple. 
The children discover that the apple has a
core, seeds, skin, flesh and stem.

Scientific experiment with an apple :
Will it float or sink?

Chana : " Float" 
Dalya: " Float"
Levi: " Float"
Nissan: "Sink"
Akiva :" Sink"
Mayer: " Sink" 

We found out the apple
has air inside and it can float.

Dalya is so excited to be the fruit family
this week.
 Thank you, Dalya and her family!

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