2's Class

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Apple Exploration

 It's playdough time!
The children were making apples out of the play dough and putting a stick in it representing the stem.

Dalya: " Roll the apple"

Chana:" Apple tree"

Nissan: "Apple tree" , "Up and down" 

Akiva: "I poke the play dough"

What a perfect day for a walk. On our walk the children 
were playing " I spy with my little eye".
They  spied a red bird on the tree! See them pointing.

On the way back we sang an apple song:

TTTO: Where is Thumbkin
I like apples 
I like apples 
Apples are green
Apple are red 
They grow on trees

These are seeds.

The children identified the apple between other fruits
they sense the  different textures.

We cut the apple and find some seeds inside.

Apple dipped in honey tasting!

We thank Nissan for being the fruit family this week .

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