2's Class

Monday, September 11, 2017

Tempura Painting!

Tempura painting experience:

Dalya: "Its pink"

 Chana :" Green"

Akiva : "It's a basketball"

Pretending to sleep before Modeh Ani.

 Dalya and Chana were holding hands and dancing together to the song Oseh Shalom. So sweet!

Socializing on the playground.

Checking the mailbox for mail.

 This week we are focusing on the Apple and Honey on Rosh Hashana:
Some questions from our discussion at meeting time:
How does the apple feel ?  What color is the apple? What shape is it? Dose it smell?

Akiva: "Really hard"
Dalya:"My pompom is soft"
Chana said : It's green"
Levi said: "It's round"
He also tried to smell the apple .

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