2's Class

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Highliting Social Skills with New Friends

The Yeladim are strengthening their fine motor skills through peeling and sticking stickers on the Shofar. 

Levi helped clean up the sticker scraps.

Dalya passed a doll to Devorah.

Mayer and Levi each took cucumbers from the snack plate independently.

Nissan is peeling his banana at snack all by himself.

What is the weather today? Only one way to find out!
Meir:"It's raining!"
Chana: "Wet."
Levi: 'It's wet.'

Rainy days mean more fun inside. 
The Yeladim were enjoyed riding the cards and trikes so much it wasn't easy getting them back in the classroom:).

Dalya offered a turn to Nissan on the slide. When it was her turn she sat at the top before going down and happily exclaimed, 'My turn!'

We sang a song about blowing the shofar.
TTTO: The wheels on the bus
The shofar on Rosh Hashana goes
tu tu tu
tu tu tu
tu tu tu
The shofar on Rosh Hashana goes
tu tu tu
on Rosh Hashana morning.

After Akiva 'blew' his shofar he turned to Levi and said,"Want it?"

Winding down and getting ready to nap through reading.

Meir was playing with the sorting activity. 
Akiva: "Meir push the pom. My turn now."
Such a sweet encounter!

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