2's Class

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What is INSIDE?

The Yeladim have been uncovering a whole new world of so many popular seasonal items that they never had a chance to just look inside! Since the nature hunt and cracking open acorns, then opening the pumpkins and seasonal squash the Yeladim have been fascinated with finding seeds and things to eat in each of these items. So I thought bringing in some interesting fruits for snack and letting the children be a part of hypothesising what is inside!
Zev: Is it water?
 Zev: "There's water in there its amazing! It looks like lemonade."

Binyamin: (after tasting the coconut) "No its not yum."

Zev: "What is in here? Does that one have a noise?"

Drinking the Pomegranate juice.


Black seeds! Should we eat it?

 Zev: Hey that one doesn't have seeds! (after the Morah finished peeling it and cutting it open)
Zev's conclusion: Yeah it doesn't have on the back it has on the front.
Shmuli: This is Yummy!


I ate it to see what's inside. (opened it with his mouth not to taste it just to get a peek inside) Seeds Seeds and Seeds!

Can you help your child identify the seeds and to which fruit/veggie they came from?
Were there seeds in the coconut?

It has truly been amazing to watch the Yeladim's curiosity peak, as they ask questions, find answers, taste test.. It has been amazing to be an observer as the process of learning takes place.

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