2's Class

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Process of the Winter squash soup

What is inside??
(Since our last experience opening an acorn Zev guessed there was a worm inside :)
"There's a lot of seeds! Cut open this one please!" (the acorn squash) "Watermelon also has seeds!"
Scooping out the seeds from inside the squash.
The Squash were too hard to eat so we decided to bake it. Once it was baked it was so soft the Yeladim scooped out the squash from the peel.

Then each of the Yeladim practiced pouring until their containers were full. Along with this came plenty of spilling which was part of the activity! Yes mistakes happen and there were napkins out for the Yeladim to clean up their mistakes.
Taste testing.... That's when we were reminded of the Yeladim's age... It may have been a little sophisticated for their pallets!

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