2's Class

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Shabbat Shalom! The Yeladim look forward to this all week!

Morah Rebecca makes a beautiful flower challah for our Shabbat party each week. This morning when the Yeladim were shaping their challahs Zev exclaimed "Look I did it!" With out any help he tried to replicate the flower challah and it looked great!
 Friendship time happened around the snack table today. It was about the new Yeled who will be starting in our class next week G-d willing, David. We had a discussion about how he might feel to go to a new school with new friends and things we can do to make him feel comfortable.
some suggestions:
Zev: Sing him a song (if he sad that he misses his mommy)
How about making him his own chair.
Binyamin: Give him turns with the toys.
Shaina: Share
Shmuli: show him (if he doesn't know where something is or what to do next)

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