2's Class

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Since Shmuli has a new baby sister there has been a lot of conversation about babies in our classroom. For the in depth documentation we look forward to sharing with parents at our parent orientation but for now, here are some tid bits about what is going on in the class.
 Dina and David also had a new baby and modeled to the Yeladim different ways they can act toward their baby. The Yeladim had really good ideas as well to help David and Dina act kind and safe with their new baby sister. This is something we are working on now since it is relevant to all the Yeladim in our class. Please take note of when your child is extra sensitive to their baby or helps their baby etc and send in a note with your child so we can all collaboratively talk about the healthy kind ways we can interact with babies! Pictures of this and videos are welcome too!

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