2's Class

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Mezuza continues

All the Yeladim took a lot of pride in showing their own Mezuzah's to the class.

 We opened up Zev's Mezuzah to look what was inside. There were Aleph Bet letters. The Aleph Bet letters wrote out the Shema that we say every day! After finding that out Zev insisted on reading the Shema as we said it from HIS Mezuzah. After that Zev said, "Can you please put it back its really special. My uncle told me."
 Then we went to the Rabbi and asked him why we have Mezuzahs on our doors.
He told us that Hashem loves us and wants to protect us and keep us safe so when we put up Mezuzah's on our doors Hashem will keep us and our families safe.

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