2's Class

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A new look for Zev! - Zev is 3 years old now!

Noting the change himself.  Zev looked at the picture we took from his cubby and then in the mirror.
Morah Esther: Zev what happened to your hair?
Zev: I left it at one of the stores :) 
 We discussed that now that Zev is 3 years old he is really big and the bigger you get the more Mitzvot you can do. So Zev said he will try to give someone one of my cupcakes. Zev shared cupcakes with everyone! He also said he will hold the Torah.
What should we do at your birthday? Make a crown? ....some other ideas....
Zev: Let's just sing Happy Birthday in American.
 The Yeladim thoroughly enjoyed the cupcakes! I say thoroughly because it was a whole body experience and clothing too! Thank you!
 Zev could not believe his eyes when he opened the Ups package.... a picture is worth a thousand words!
"Cool! Power Ranger Tzitzit!"
Zev made a beautiful blessing on them and gave them a kiss.

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