2's Class

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

All the leaves are falling

Leaves are falling to the ground,
without a sound.

Today the children worked on their fine motors skills
with leaves and trees.
The kids was excited to see we had trees on the table 
 but they didn't have leaves. 

 The kids glued on leaves in fall colors.

Mayer picked orange leaf.  

Chana added more glue.

Nissan picked a green leaf.

Devorah is using a small amount of glue while Levi was thinking
of what color of leaf he would pick up for his tree.

Akiva using more glue.

 Dalya is using both her hands. 

Today we talked about the color of the pumpkin.
The kids spotted a pumpkin in our class, and they brought it to table.
We decided to make a new playdough to match our pumpkin,
which is orange.

Everyone helped: Akiva poured the flour, Dalya poured the oil, Levy poured
the secret ingredient-cream of tartar. Mayer added the salt.

Devorah mixed it.

We now have bright orange playdough. The kids enjoyed 
the feeling of the orange playdough.

We love to see the kids socializing on the playground. 


The kids actually let the leaves fall down outside...

And inside, too.

Akiva sang V'zakeini to his friends.

Our fall trees came out beautifully.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Organizing our sensory table

The beginning of our week in class is always so 
busy, the kids were happy to meet their friends.

There are many things to do, to see, something new....

Today we cleaned our sensory table, we took away the soil and dirt,
and put new material in for the kids to explore.

Everyone helped clean out our table.

We also had sensory trays to trace 
the shape of a leaf with our fingers.

Chana was painting with yellow today.

Nissan was busy examining his baby.

Levi helps to prepare our snack.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Shabbat is in the air

Shabbat is here, what a better way to celebrate shabbat with 
all our friends in school. 
The children always happy to party and 
get creative and do special things for shabbat. 

We could feel it in the air; shabbat is here.

 Right after we got ready for shabbat in class,
we decorated our challah bag.
The kids were happy to help.

Levi, Nissan and Dalya were setting the table for shabbat .
Levi said: doing shabbat

Meanwhile Mayer felt he would try the color sorting board. 

Chana tried it too,, and said: its banana .... yellow duck.

Today we enjoyed reading and singing the book:
"Row, row, row your boat" 
We use our shakers and Chana gave everybody one.

Nissan was so happy shabbat is here he sang: 
Shabbat shalom hey .....

Finally, while our challah was in the oven, we started our shabbat party.
We felt the shabbat spirit as we set to the table.

The shabbat angels were peaking in our windows.

Shabbat Shalom to everyone!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

It feels like fall

Snapshots from our day.

Today the kids came in and they didn't have any problem to
say what the weather is today.
Today it was cloudy day.

The kids feel the weather is changing, it feels like fall.

We used fall colors : Green, yellow, orange and brown  to paint.

They loved the new set of watercolors to paint with.

Akiva is making pumpkin from playdough. 

Dalya and Akiva helped cut the snack.

Story time....

Renee helped to give the Torah to friends.

We pretended to be a tree and let our scarf fall down like a leaves.

They really enjoyed the movement activity.

To complete the leaf mobile for the preschool in Florida, 
the children used their fingerprint to sign 
the letter to finish our project.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Creating colors

2's Class · Post

Today we continued to learn about primary colors
through fine motor skills.
The kids were sorting colors using tweezers.

Nissan is sorting pom poms to 
match the color marked on the tray. 

Levi, Chana and Nissan are threading beads by color.

Dalya is sorting one by one.

Today we had an art class with Morah Yael.
Yael taught us 3 colors:
We sorted mixed pictures and objects to the right color.
The kids did a wonderfully identifying the colors.

Later, Yael showed us 2 different colors, Each one of us 
got different colors to blend.
The children experienced mixing colors and creating new colors.

 Work in action.

Today we also created our cloudy weather bottle.
We noticed it was a cloudy day and it was 
the perfect day to make our own cloudy weather.

Everyone had a chance to put a cloud into the bottle.
We have white and grey clouds. 

These bottles can help the children 
decide if the weather today is cloudy or sunny.

We had a very colorful day!