2's Class

Thursday, September 28, 2017

All about Yom Kippur

Yesterday the children made a wonderful art work
for you parents to have on Orientation night.   

We use white paint this week to symbolize
a fresh new start like white color is for the new year.

At the playground we had a surprise.
We saw a play about Yom Kippur
" Jonah and the Whale."
We enjoy being with our friends in school to hear the story.
The children were facinated and really enjoyed 
the felt board story preformed by Morah Sarah  

Today on the note of Yom Kippur,
we baked a honey cake.
Everyone had a chance to help.

Levi added the egg
Dalya poured the honey
Akiva added the flour
Mayer added the water
Chana added the egg 


Nissan poured the batter into his pan.

We also wrapped the cakes with the wrapping paper we made!
We wish you G'mar chatimah tovah.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

preparing for Yom Kippur

Today the children  
began to create their Yom Kippur 

We used dot markers and corks 
to decorate our project.

Dalya and Chana worked together 
to create a mixture.

The children helped to prepare the snack.
Mayer and Nissan helped put the 
bananas in the fruit bowl.

At circle time we learned about the upcoming holiday of Yom Kippur. 
We learned about forgiveness and saying "I'm sorry." 
The children met Dina and David.  They shared with the children 
how they solve a problem over a toy. 
They demonstrated how to say "I'm sorry" to a friend.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Goodbye Rosh Hashanah

Welcome back !
After a long Rosh Hashana holiday,
The children were happy to go back to school and meet their 

We started the morning with painting in white color for 
a fresh new year.

Chana :"white"
Akiva : "sky"
Dalya: "cupcake"
Nissan:" look white"
Levi: "flower"
Mayer: "more"

Levi and Akiva making a sandwich.

Dalya :" I'm making a rice cake"

Nissan: "kiss"

Today we talked about what we did on Rosh Hashanah.
Some children went to shul and heard the shofar,
Everyone dipped the apple in honey, and ate sweet challah.

Then we had to say goodbye to Rosh Hashanah,
We put all our Rosh Hashanah items in a big basket until next year.

Mayer and Nissan : put away the Shofar.
Dalya: put away the candles.
Chana : put away the apples.
Levi : Put away the challahs.
Akiva: put away the honey. 

We wave goodbye to Rosh Hashanah,
see you next year.

Thank you, Chana for being the fruit family
this week!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Set the table for Rosh Hashanah

Today we prepared our class for 
Rosh Hashanah.

Akiva prepared a cupcake and said:
"I'm hiding it"

At clean up time everyone helped 
to put away the toys.

Levi was helping put the "babies" and the pillows away. 

Dalya and Nissan were working together 
and put back all the dot markers .

Chana and Dalya put the bricks away. 
This is real collaboration.  

Mayer needed one more minute, 
He pulled an apple from the sensory table.

Nissan helped clean the tables.

At Circle time we sang
apples songs.

"I like apples"
"Dip the apple in the honey" 

We also set the table for "Rosh Hashanah".

What we need for Rosh Hashanah table?

Chana : "Apple"
Akiva :"Honey "
Nissan and Levi :" Challa" 
Dalya : "We are happy because Mayer is here"

The children used the palm of their hand and their thumb 
to make an apple print.

We are hoping you all enjoy the yeladim project for 
Rosh Hashanah.

We wish you a

Monday, September 18, 2017

Apple experiment

A different way to make an apple .
 Our centers were set up with balls of yarn,
Green and red.
The Yeladim wrapped the yarn on a piece of cardboard.

Akiva:" rolling" 

Nissan :" I'm making" 

We make a sail boat out of apples.
Our sail boat sailed on the water.

Levi counted the boats: " 1,2,3,4,5"

We painted the palm of our hand so it became 
an apple stamp . 

We explored the apple. 
The children discover that the apple has a
core, seeds, skin, flesh and stem.

Scientific experiment with an apple :
Will it float or sink?

Chana : " Float" 
Dalya: " Float"
Levi: " Float"
Nissan: "Sink"
Akiva :" Sink"
Mayer: " Sink" 

We found out the apple
has air inside and it can float.

Dalya is so excited to be the fruit family
this week.
 Thank you, Dalya and her family!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Shabbat Celebration

Shabbat is coming and were so happy!
Decorating the Challah bag

Dalya:" More"

Levi and Akiva sharing ideas

It's time to make Challah

One of our friends didn't come to school today ,
We called Meyer to say "Refuah shelemah"

More dipping the apple in the honey

Is it Shabbat yet ?
TheYeladim helped to set the Shabbat table. 
We sang Shabbat songs. 

Making the bracha on the candles. 

Nissan and dalya: " Shalom alichem....."


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Imaginary Representation

Rosh Hashana is coming 
and the children worked on
a special project.

Nissan put glitter on his project

Devorah and Levi used pretty napkins to collage their honey dish.

Every one used a unique technique to smear/spread 
the glue.
Akiva used 2 brushes .

At circle time we learned more about 
Rosh Hashana customs.
The Yeladim used bean bags as imaginary representation of an apple , then they 'dipped it in
the honey.'

We also learned a new song :

Dip the apple in the honey 
It really taste so yummy 
For a funny , sunny sweet new year
A sweet new year 
A sweet new year 

Levi blows the Shofar.