2's Class

Friday, March 10, 2017

Purim Red Carpet

Today the children came dressed in costumes.
  I asked them how it feels to be dressed up, "happy or sad?"
"HAPPY" they said with certainty.

The children walked the red carpet. 
Daniella is a "doggie".

Hannah is "wearing this dress".

Marnie is "Rainbow Princess".

Lia is "Princess Lia".

Sender dressed up as a king.

Kayle is "Sophia".

We dance because Purim is such a happy day!

Other happenings:
Kayle and Marnie were attempting to bathe in the kitchen sink, when we thought of finding a box that would be big enough for them.

Ella pats them with their covers on.

Today we go outside to catch some snow.

Mendel builds a "house".

Sender builds a "big house" and "a building".

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