2's Class

Thursday, March 9, 2017

More Purim Drama!

Today we dress up again to enact the Purim story!
Hannah offers to be Queen Esther.

Sender wants to be Queen Esther too, Lia Rabbi Mordechai.

Kayle wants to be Haman.  Later at lunch she mentions, "I don't like Haman."

King Achashverosh, aka Ella, asks his Queen what she wants.  He is shocked to find out that Haman wants to hurt her and her friends.  He tells Haman to go away.

Other happenings:
Noise making provocation.

The children place different parts in a jar and hear the sounds it makes when it shakes. 

Princesses in action!

Today we did our silk painting!

The children enjoy watching the colors merge and spread on the silk.

The silks will be displayed at our Art gallery, March 16th.
They came out beautifully!

 Ella sorted the crayons and buttons by color.

Sender is cooking necklaces.  "It's hot", he says.

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