2's Class

Monday, March 6, 2017

Purim Drama

Today the children did lots of dressing up!
Here we enact the story of Purim...Queen Esther tells Mordechai to daven to Hashem to potect them from Haman's mean plans.

Next she tell Achashverosh that Haman wants to hurt and her people.
All ends well and the Jewish people are so happy on Purim!

Everyone wants to be Queen Esther!

Thank you Naomi Chinn for the costume donation!
The children love them and perfect timing!

Other happenings:
We learn that when we hear Haman's name we make a lot of noise with a Gragger.

We practise with shakers.  And then talk about making our very own!
The colors chosen are purple and pink.
Painting a twig is not as easy as it looks!
The children did a great job :)

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