2's Class

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Baby Moshe

We have been acting out the story of Baby Moshe.
Mommy Yocheved didn't want her cute baby Moshe to be a slave for King Pharoah.

So she put him in a basket in the River Nile.

Big sister Miriam, was watching little baby Moshe.

Princess Batya goes for a swim in the river, and finds baby Moshe crying.

Big sister Miriam takes the baby back to his Mommy.

Baby Moshe grows up to be Moshe Rabbeinu, who takes the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim.

Other happenings:
The children are practicing pouring the four cups.  They are learning to control the amount of water being poured from the jug, which is excellent for improving hand eye coordination.

The children come up with purple, blue and red.
We pour some grape juice out and notice that it is indeed a dark red.
Morah attempts to copy the color for our printmaking art.

Hannah paints the bubble wrap.

Kayle stamps the bubble wrap on her page to create an interesting effect.

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